August 3rd 2022
Summer is a good time for observing fireballs above our skies.
Since July 31st, a great amount of these nice objects were seeing crossing the sky. With the Alpha-Capricornids and the Perseids on maximum, our skies are plenty of such fireballs.
Not all of these phenomena can be analyzed. It is impossible.
We will bring the nicest ones to our web page
July 28th 2022
On the night of July 28, at 02:28 UT, a brilliant fireball crossed the province of Granada, leaving a beautiful and brief trail of colors. After the event, A study has been carried out that indicates that it is the first Perseid coming from Comet Swift-Tuttle.
The object could be registered by the detectors that the SMART Project operates in the observatories of Calar Alto in Almería, Huelva, La Hita in Toledo, La Sagra and Sierra Nevada in Granada and Seville.
The external cameras of the Calar Alto Observatory captured this beautiful event.
July 26th 2022
Three fireballs have been registered during the last hours of July 25th and first hours of July 26th.
First fireball happened at 20h42 UT (22h42 local time) of July 25th. Second one took place at 23h04 UT (01h42 local time, already on July 26th). And the last one, was registered at 01h18 UT (03h18 local time).
Those objects could be registered with the SMART Project’s detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería), Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada) and Seville.
And also, they were observed as well from several of the external cameras located at Calar Alto Observatory in Almería.
July 25th 2022
Two bright fireballs were observed from Calar Alto Observatory in Almería on July 20th and 24th 2022.
First one took place at 21h39 UT of July 20th, while the second one happened at 22h05 UT of July 24th.
Both fireballs flew above east skies, but unfortunately no other data could be gathered from these phenomena.
Anyway, some Calar Alto Observatory external cameras registered both objects.
July 11th 2022
On the night of July 10th, at 02h19 UT, a bright fireball flew above Mediterranean coasts in front of Algeria coasts.
The object was registered with the SMART Project detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería), Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), La Sagra (Granada), Sierra Nevada (Granada) and Seville observatories.
Two of the externa cameras located at Calar Alto Observatory in Almería, could also follow this event.
- Bright Fireball crosses the province of Malaga in the direction of Córdoba on june 30th 2022.
- Spectacular reentry of a rocket stage on June 20th 2022
- Fireball crosses the province of Malaga in the direction of Seville on June 10th 2022
- Very bright fireball above Cataluña (Northeast Spain) on May 23rd
- Fireball over the sky of Cordoba on May 18th.
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