At 4:42 local time (2:42 UT) of August 6th 2016, SMART Project detectors had registered a fire ball that flew over Granada and Málaga provinces.
July 27th 2016
This bright fireball was registered with SMART Project detectors at 4:08 local time (2:08 UT) of July 29th 2016. The luminous phenomena has been recorded from fireball detection station at Calar Alto, Sevilla, La Hita (Toledo) and Huelva observatories. West Calar Alto Observatory surveillance webcam could also record this object.
July 27th 2016
This bright fireball was registered with SMART Project detectors located at Calar Alto, Sevilla, La Hita (Toledo) and Huelva observatories. Calar Alto Observatory west surveillance webcam could also record the event. The fireball took place at 4:24 local time (2:24 UT) of July 27th 2016.
July 8th 2016
This bright fireball has been registered by SMART Project detectors and Calar Alto surveillance south camera on July 08 2016 at 23:05 local time (21:05 UT). The luminous part of this object could be recorded from Calar Alto, Sevilla, La Hita (Toledo), Huelva and Sierra Nevada observatories.
Last June 25 2016, another fireball flew over Andalusia's skies, this time over Córdoba and Jaen provinces. The event was registered by SMART Project detectors at 4:28 local time (2:28 UT). The fireball could be recorded by fireball detection stations at Calar Alto, La Hita, La Sagra and Sevilla observatories, together with Calar Alto west external surveillance webcam.
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