
January 3rd 2019

We already have the first two fireballs of this brand new 2019. First one on the first night of the year, above Balearic Islands, and another one on the January 2nd crossing Granada (Andalucía, South Spain) skies.

The one on January 1st occurred at 5:02 UT, and could be registered with the SMART Project's detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería) and La Hita (Toledo) observatories and also with Calar Alto Observatory external surveillance webcam. The second one happened at 01:48 UT, was registered with the external surveillance webcam located at Calar Alto Observatory (Almería) and with SMART Project's detectors at Sevilla and La Sagra (Granada) observatories. 


December 24th 2018

At 22:12 local time (21:12 UT) of December 22nd 2018, a very bright fireball flew over the Navarra Community (North Spain) and could be clearly seeing from different places in Northern Spain (Cantabria, Aragón, País Vasco).

But the impressive thing is that this object could be registered also with one of the Calar Alto Observatory (Almería, South Spain, more than 700 km far away) external surveillance webcam. However, the fireball happened so close to the horizon that the SMART detectors (which points higher) were not able to register it from this observatory.


December 16th 2018

During nights of December 14th and 15th 2018, more Geminids could be observed flew above Spain skies. Two of them could be registered with SMART Project detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Sagra (Granada), Sevilla and La Hita (Toledo) observatories. The image on the left shows the fireball's emission spectrum lines of the fireball that happened on December 15th.

Again, those fireballs could also be recorded with Calar Alto Observatory surveillance webcams.


December 14th 2018

On the early morning of December 14th 2018, at 3:30 UT a very bright geminid flew above Jaén province (Andalucía – South Spain). This event could be registered by the SMART Project detectors located at Calar Alto (Almería), La Sagra (Granada), Sevilla, Huelva and La Hita (Toledo) observatories. The Calar Alto Observatory northwest surveillance webcam could also record this nice fireball.


December 6th 2018

During the early morning of December 4th to 5th, three bright fireballs flew above Valladolid (Mid-North Spain), Granada, Jaen and Albacete (South-East Spain). Those fireballs could be registered with the SMART Project's detectors operated at La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto (Almería), Sierran Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada) and Sevilla observatories. This time, at Calar Alto Observatory (Almería) only the bright fireball above Jaen and Albacete provinces could be observed with both north SMART detector and surveillance webcam.