On September 15th, 2015, two fireballs flew over North Africa coast proximity. The first one (image on the left), with cometary origin took place in front of Algerian coast, while the second one happened over Morocco.
The first one (on the left) took place at 03:22 UT. It was an object with cometary origin that started at about 135 km above the sea level and finished about 78 km over the sea. The impact speed against the atmosphere was about 220.000 km/h.
On the image captured with the Calar Alto fireball detection station, you can appreciate the emission spectrum.
As you can see from the path over the ground image, this fireball flew over North Africa coast.
Below, you can see the video taken from the fireball detection station south camera.
The second fireball (on the left) was observed at 05:01 UT of the same day.
In this case, this object was a sporadic fireball that flew over Morocco, starting at about 104 km above the ground and finishing about 58 km of altitude.
This fireball could only be observed with one of the Calar Alto external surveillance webcam, but unfortunately only on the right edge of the camera, loosing quickly from the camera field of view. This object was also recorded at Sierra Nevada Observatory and from Seville.
Below is the path trajectory over the ground and the video recorded with the webcam.