One more fireball from Encke comet on November 8th 2015


The fireball activity associated to comet Encke has been very remarkable during last nights. At 21:37 UT of last November 8th, another fireball could be observed from Calar Alto Observatory south surveillance webcam. It was also observed from other stations at La Hita, La Sagra, La Pedriza or Sevilla Observatories.

pathAs happened with fireballs from November 6th and 7th nights, this object was a detached fragment from Encke comet. It was analyzed by Professor Madiedo (University of Huelva) and the conclusions point that this fireball started at about 100 km of altitude over Mediterranean Sea, just between Morocco and Andalucía (South Spain) coasts. It traveled from southeast to northwest with a speed of about 100.000 km/h. You can see the trajectory this object followed in the left image. 

Below is the video recorded from Calar Alto Observatory south surveillance webcam:


Calar Alto (CAHA) fireball detection station, together with the one at the Observatory of Sierra Nevada (IAA-CSIC) and others placed at different locations in Spain, are part of the S.M.A.R.T. project led by Professor José María Madiedo (University of Huelva) to track that kind of objects. Specifically, Calar Alto (CAHA) station and the one at Sierra Nevada (IAA-CSIC) constitute a collaboration agreement between Professor Madiedo and both institutions.