Publications based on observation at Calar Alto

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The bibliographic data of any publications based on observations at Calar Alto are to be communicated to CAHA as described on our web page:

Publications must contain a footnote as follows: 

Based on observations collected at Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Junta de Andalucía

Publications based on data collected before January 1st 2019 must contain a footnote as follows: 

Data here reported were acquired at Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPG). Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía is now operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Junta de Andalucía.

Search by author/co-author, year of publication or part of the publication title:
1st Author Publication Title Year
Maciejewski G. High-precision photometry of WASP-12 b transits 2011

High-precision photometry of WASP-12 b transits
Maciejewski G., Errmann R., Raetz St., Seeliger M., Spaleniak I.,
R. Neuhäuser R.
A&A 528,A65

Mashonkina L A non-LTE study of neutral and singly-ionized iron line spectra in 1D models of the Sun and selected late-type stars 2011

A non-LTE study of neutral and singly-ionized iron line spectra in 1D
models of the Sun and selected late-type stars

Mashonkina L., Gehren T.,  Shi J.R.,  Korn A.J., Grupp F.
A&A 528,A87

Patat F. Characterisation of the CAFOS linear spectropolarimeter 2011

Characterisation of the CAFOS linear spectropolarimeter
Patat F., Taubenberger S.
A&A 529,A57

D’Ammando F. AGILE detection of extreme γ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during March 2009 - Multifrequency analysis 2011

AGILE detection of extreme γ-ray activity from the blazar PKS 1510-089
during March 2009 - Multifrequency analysis

D’Ammando F., Raiteri C.M., Villata M., Romano P., Pucella G.,
Krimm H.A., Covino S., Orienti M., Giovannini G., Vercellone1 S.,
Pian E., Donnarumma I., Vittorini V., Tavani M., Argan A.,
Barbiellini1 G., Boffelli F., Bulgarelli A., Caraveo P.,
Cattaneo P.W., Chen A.W., Cocco V., Costa E., Del Monte E.,
De Paris G., Di Cocco G., Evangelista Y., Feroci M., Ferrari A.,
Fiorini M., Froysland T., Frutti M., Fuschino F., Galli M.,
Gianotti F., Giuliani A., Labanti C., Lapshov I., Lazzarotto F.,
Lipari P., Longo F., Marisaldi M., Mereghetti S., Morselli A.,
Pacciani L., Pellizzoni A., Perotti F., Piano G., Picozza P.,
Pilia M., Porrovecchio G., Prest M., Rapisarda M., Rappoldi A.,
Rubini A., Sabatini S., Soffitta P., Striani E., Trifoglio M.,
Trois A., Vallazza1 E., Zambra A., Zanello D., Agudo I.,
Aller H.D., Aller M.F., Arkharov A.A., Bach U., Benitez E.,
Berdyugin A., Blinov D.A., Buemi C.S., Chen W.P., Di Paola A.,
Dolci M., Forné E., Fuhrmann L., JGómez J.L., Gurwell M.A.,
Jordan B., Jorstad S.G., Heidt J., Hiriart D., Hovatta T.,
Hsiao H.Y., Kimeridze G., Konstantinova T.S., Kopatskaya E.N.,
Koptelova E., Kurtanidze O.M., Kurtanidze S.O,
Larionov V.M., Lähteenmäki A., Leto P., Lindfors E.,
Marscher A.P., McBreen B., McHardy I.M., Morozova D.A.,
Nilsson K., Pasanen M., Roca-Sogorb M., Sillanpää A., Takalo L.O.,
Tornikoski M., Trigilio C., Troitsky I.S., Umana G.,
Antonelli L.A., Colafrancesco S., Pittori C., Santolamazza P.,
Verrecchia F., Giommi P., Salotti L.
A&A 529,A145

Heidt J., Polarimetry of optically selected BL Lacertae candidates from the SDSS 2011

Polarimetry of optically selected BL Lacertae candidates from the SDSS
Heidt J., Nilsson K.
A&A 529,A162

Geier S. The MUCHFUSS project - searching for hot subdwarf binaries with massive unseen companions - Survey, target selection and atmospheric parameters 2011

The MUCHFUSS project - searching for hot subdwarf binaries with massive
unseen companions - Survey, target selection and atmospheric parameters

Geier S., Hirsch H., Tillich A., Maxted P.F.L., Bentley S.J.,
Østensen R. H., Heber U., Gänsicke B.T., Marsh T.R., Napiwotzki R.,
Barlow B.N., O’Toole1 S.J.
A&A 530,A28

Šuhada R., Exploring the galaxy cluster-group transition regime at high redshifts. Physical properties of two newly detected z > 1 systems 2011

Exploring the galaxy cluster-group transition regime at high redshifts.
Physical properties of two newly detected z  > 1 systems

Šuhada R., Fassbender R., Nastasi A., Böhringer H., de Hoon A.,
Pierini D., Santos J.S., Rosati P., Mühlegger M., Quintana H.,
Schwope A.D., Lamer G., Kohnert J., Pratt G.W.
A&A 530,A110

Vogel J., XMM-Newton observations of the pre-polar HS0922+1333 2011

XMM-Newton observations of the pre-polar HS0922+1333
Vogel J., Schwope A.D., Schwarz R.
A&A 530,A117

Garcés A. Time evolution of high-energy emissions of low-mass stars - I. Age determination using stellar chronology with white dwarfs in wide binaries 2011

Time evolution of high-energy emissions of low-mass stars -
I. Age determination using stellar chronology with white dwarfs in wide binaries

Garcés A.,  Catalán S.,  Ribas I.
A&A 531,A7

Andruchow I., Polarization and photometric observations of the gamma-ray blazar PG 1553+113 2011

Polarization and photometric observations of the gamma-ray blazar
PG 1553+113

Andruchow I., Combi J.A.,  Romero G.E.,  Cellone S.A.,
Muñoz-Arjonilla A.J., Martí J.
A&A 531,A38

Agudo I. Location of γ-ray Flare Emission in the Jet of the BL Lacertae Object OJ287 More than 14 pc from the Central Engine 2011

Location of γ-ray Flare Emission in the Jet of the BL Lacertae Object OJ287
More than 14 pc from the Central Engine

Agudo I., Jorstad S.G., Marscher A.P., Larionov V.M.,
Gómez J.L., Lähteenmäki A., Gurwell M., Smith P.S.,
Wiesemeyer H., Thum C., Heidt J., Blinov D.A.,
D'Arcangelo F.D., Hagen-Thorn V.A., Morozova D.A., Nieppola E.,
Roca-Sogorb M., Schmidt G.D., Taylor B., Tornikoski M., Troitsky I.S.
ApJ 726,L13

Nicol M.H. Red-sequence Galaxies at High Redshift by the COMBO-17+4 Survey 2011

Red-sequence Galaxies at High Redshift by the COMBO-17+4 Survey
Nicol M.H., Meisenheimer K., Wolf C., Tapken C.
ApJ 727,51

Mukadam A.S. First Unambiguous Detection of the Return of Pulsations in the Accreting White Dwarf SDSS J074531.92+453829.6 After an Outburst 2011

First Unambiguous Detection of the Return of Pulsations in the Accreting
White Dwarf SDSS J074531.92+453829.6 After an Outburst

Mukadam A.S., Townsley D.M., Szkody P., Gänsicke B.T., Winget D.E.,
Hermes J.J., Howell S.B., Teske J., Patterson J., Kemp J.,
Armstrong E.
ApJ 728,L33

Flaherty, K. M., The Highly Dynamic Behavior of the Innermost Dust and Gas in the Transition Disk Variable LRLL 31 2011

The Highly Dynamic Behavior of the Innermost Dust and Gas in the
Transition Disk Variable LRLL 31

Flaherty, K. M., Muzerolle, J., Rieke, G., Gutermuth, R., Balog, Z.,
Herbst, W., Megeath, S. T., Kun, M.
ApJ 732,83

Kun, M. A Peculiar Young Eruptive Star in the Dark Cloud Lynds 1340 2011

A Peculiar Young Eruptive Star in the Dark Cloud Lynds 1340
Kun, M., Szegedi-Elek, E., Moór, A., Ábrahám, P., Acosta-Pulido, J. A.,
Apai, D., Kelemen, J., Pál, A., Rácz, M., Regály, Zs., Szakáts, R.,
Szalai, N., Szing, A.
ApJ 733,L8

Shafter A.W. A Spectroscopic and Photometric Survey of Novae in M31 2011

A Spectroscopic and Photometric Survey of Novae in M31
Shafter A.W., Darnley M.J., Hornoch K., Filippenko A.V., Bode M.F.,
Ciardullo R., Misselt K.A., Hounsell R.A., Chornock R., Matheson T.
ApJ 734,12

Chatterjee R Connection Between the Accretion Disk and Jet in the Radio Galaxy 3C 111 2011

Connection Between the Accretion Disk and Jet in the Radio Galaxy 3C 111
Chatterjee R., Marscher A.P., Jorstad S.G., Markowitz A.,
Rivers E., Rothschild R.E., McHardy I.M., Aller M.F.,
Aller H.D., Lähteenmäki A., Tornikoski M., Harrison B.,
Agudo I., Gómez J.L., aylor B.W., Gurwell M.
ApJ 734,43

Agudo I. On the Location of the γ-Ray Outburst Emission in the BL Lacertae Object AO 0235+164 Through Observations Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum 2011

On the Location of the γ-Ray Outburst Emission in the BL Lacertae Object
AO 0235+164 Through Observations Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Agudo I., Marscher A.P., Jorstad S.G., Larionov V.M., Gómez J.L.,
Lähteenmäki A., Smith P.S., Nilsson K., Readhead A.C.S., Aller M.F., Heidt J.,
Gurwell M., Thum C., Wehrle A.E., Nikolashvili M.G., Aller H.D., Benítez E.,
Blinov D.A., Hagen-Thorn V.A., Hiriart D., Jannuzi B.T., Joshi M.,
Kimeridze G.N., Kurtanidze O.M., Kurtanidze S.O., Lindfors E., Molina S.N.,
Morozova D.A., Nieppola E., Olmstead A.R., Reinthal R., Roca-Sogorb M.,
Schmidt G.D., Sigua L.A., Sillanpää A., Takalo L., Taylor B., Tornikoski M.,
Troitsky I.S., Zook A.C., Wiesemeyer H.
ApJ 735,L10

Adams J.J. The HETDEX Pilot Survey. I. Survey Design, Performance, and Catalog of Emission-line Galaxies 2011

The HETDEX Pilot Survey. I. Survey Design, Performance, and Catalog of
Emission-line Galaxies

Adams J.J., Blanc G.A., Hill G.J., Gebhardt K.,
Drory N., Hao L., Bender R., Byun J., Ciardullo R., Cornell M.E.,
Finkelstein S.L., Fry A., Gawiser E., Gronwall C.,
Hopp U., Jeong D., Kelz A., Kelzenberg R., Komatsu E.,
MacQueen P.J., Murphy J., Samuel Odoms P., Roth M.,
Schneider D.P., Tufts J.R., Wilkinson C.P.
ApJS 192,5

Barro G., UV-to-FIR Analysis of Spitzer/IRAC Sources in the Extended Groth Strip. I. Multi-wavelength Photometry and Spectral Energy Distributions 2011

UV-to-FIR Analysis of Spitzer/IRAC Sources in the Extended Groth Strip.
I. Multi-wavelength Photometry and Spectral Energy Distributions

Barro G., Pérez-González P.G., Gallego J., Ashby M.L.N.,
Kajisawa M., Miyazaki S., Villar V., Yamada T., Zamorano J.
ApJS 193,13