fitslist: This utility allows creating listings of the fits files. The listings are created acordingly to certains keywords from the fits headers, depending on the instrument. You must select the instrument and the keywords are read automatically. As well you can create your own keywords file, if you prefer having a different information on the listing. See below for the key file format.
This program works together with the registry. When a new astronomer comes to Calar Alto, as soon as he enters into the instrumentation machine, is invited to fill a form. This is our Observers Registry, that can be consulted with regView program. That information introduced on the form, will be used as the header for the listing. Of course, you must be registered previouly. If not, the header will be empty. There is another important thing for having the registry information on the header: you must start fitslist from a directory under the normal structure on the instrumentation machines. That means you must be somewhere under /disk-n/obs35_images on the ultra1 (3.5) or /disk-n/obs22_images on the ultra3 (2.2) or /disk-n/obs12_images on the ultra2 (1.23).
The possibilities of the program, allows you to create a file with the listing, print it, only print the list or only displaying the list on screen.
This program also can be called as flist.
Creating your own key files. Key file format:
If you want to have your own key file, you must select the option "User Defined" and create your key file. It must have a special sintax. You must write one key and its format per line, as:
Where ' KEY ' is one valid key on the fits header (you must write the complete key name) and 'FORMAT ' is a valid format for the value that the key holds. Separator from KEY and FORMAT must be the space key. It is important as it CANNOT be the TAB key. The last line of the file MUST BE a line with a valid format. It CANNOT BE a blank line. No blank lines between format lines are allowed. The format is always a word starting with % and followed by a C like format:
Examples of real KEYS can be:
Remember, one KEY (and its format) per line and NO blanks lines in the file.