FFL: Flat Field Lamps. This software controls the Flat Field Lamps on the Dome. At the present you have it for 3.5m and 2.2m Telescopes. The syntax is:
without any argument. You can control 5 lamps. The last one (lamp 5) has different intensities, so this lamp is ON you can change intensity through radiobuttons.
Every program action is shown on the same x-terminal from where the aplication was launched. A message is composed by these fields:
<action> : <action_status> : <message>
<action> is a string informing about the last action executed by the user
<action_status> can be 'OK', 'ERROR', 'WARNING' or 'INFO' . It will inform you how the action finishes. The first three messages are telling you if any error is present. The last one ('INFO') is used together with the 'Status' button at the GUI for giving you more info (text info) about the lamp controller answer. If you ask for status, you'll be given a string such:
0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 7
The first five digits are informing you about the 5 lamps status (0 for OFF and 1 for ON). The last one is telling you in which intensity is lamp 5. If you want to know the power, you must add 1 to that info. So on the example, you have lamps 2 and 5 to ON and that one with intensity of 8 watts. Of course on the GUI you have a graphical information, but that text string can be useful for testing purposes (just to see if what you get on the GUI is what you have on the lamps)
<message> The last field is giving you a short description of the action.