List of vmeSW Devices
This section lists all devices which are accessible through vmeSW remote control commands. The list is organized by subject, introducing a keyword (which is normally attributed to command syntax using the same prefix for every function associated with this device), a brief identification of the corresponding hardware item, and finally a description of functionality.

  • grot

  • Device: Grating Rotator
    Function: setting grating angle to select wavelength range, or to move grating rotator to grating exchange position.
  • gratID

  • Device: Grating ID
    Function: ID code for each grating. Bit code which is read through magnetic sensors (update only in grating exchange position).
  • col

  • Device: Fiber spectrograph collimator focus.
    Function: moving focussing stage of FSPEC collimator lens.
  • cam

  • Device: Fiber spectrograph camera focus.
    Function: moving focussing stage of FSPEC camera lens.
  • agfil

  • Device: A&G Camera Filter
    Function: selecting 1 out of 4 A&G Camera filter positions.
    Note: Status Window entry AG FILTER = "none" indicates that filter stage has been moved to an arbitrary position, i.e. different from any of the 4 locked filter positions.
  • agfoc

  • Device: A&G Camera focus.
    Function: moving focussing stage of A&G camera lens.
  • tmtop

  • Device: Dual linear stage: (1) A&G Camera Optics (AGOPTICS), and (2) Calibration Unit (CALUNIT)
    Function: moving either A&G Camera Pick-off Mirror + optical system, or Calibration Unit into telescope beam.
    - tmtopAg : moves AGOPTICS into the beam
    - tmtopCal : moves CALUNIT into the beam
    - tmtopPark : moves both AGOPTICS and CALUNIT into park positions, i.e. out of the beam
  • xlmpPow

  • Device: Calibration Lamp Power Supplies
    Function: Switch power supplies on/off; switch between two lamps sharing the same power supply (x=c,l)
    - clmpPow1 : switch continuum lamp power supply on/off
    - llmpPow1 : switch spectral line lamp power supply 1 on/off
    - llmp1_2 : select between llmp1 and llmp2 for llmpPow1
    - llmpPow2 : switch spectral line lamp power supply 2 on/off
    - llmp1_2 : select between llmp3 and llmp3 for llmpPow2
    - llmpPow3 : switch spectral line lamp power supply 3 on/off
  • xsh

  • Device: Calibration Lamp Shutters
    Function: open/close Calibration Lamp Shutters (x = c1, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5)
    - shc1 : open/close continuum lamp shutter
    - shl1 : open/close spectral line lamp 1 shutter
    - shl2 : open/close spectral line lamp 2 shutter
    - shl3 : open/close spectral line lamp 3 shutter
    - shl4 : open/close spectral line lamp 4 shutter
    - shl5 : open/close spectral line lamp 5 shutter
  • calsboxStatus

  • Device: status of calibration lamps (read-only)
    Function: test status of calibration lamps, i.e. illumination=on/off
  • shx

  • Device: shutters
    Function: open/close shutters (x = 1, 2, 3, 4)
    - sh1 : open/close shutter 1
    - sh2 : open/close shutter 2
    - sh3 : open/close shutter 3
    - sh4 : open/close shutter 4
  • tsens

  • Device: temperature sensors
    Function: measure temperature for sensors 1...6
  • larrViewLmpx

  • Device: internal illumination of lensarray viewing system
    Function: switch on/off illumination (x=1,2,3) for alignment of lensarray
  • limeval

  • Device: hard limit switch relays
    Function: reset hard limit switches