Fig. 3b-y :   PPAK Target Acquisition and Guiding:
PMAS A&G Camera graphical user interface. The image shows a typical acquisition frame as obtained when the telescope has slewed on-target, encompassing a 3.4 x 3.4 arcmin^2 field-of-view. Contrary to the standard IFU, which would be located in the middle of the dark central spot (field mirror diaphragm), the PPAK IFU is mounted off-axis, outside the field of view of the A&G camera ( Fig3b-z). Accurate pointing is possible by centering the extended target on the PPAK IFU overlay plot, and applying a predefined offset (Pull-down Menu "Pointing"). The target is then no longer visible on the screen. A sufficiently bright star can be selected for offset-guiding. The guide star coordinates can be saved to disk. Restoring these coordinates allows one to repeat observations in another night with sub-arcsec pointing accuracy (note however the importance of A&G camera filter selection and the effects of differential atmospheric refraction). The image can also be plotted in a reverse greyscale , stored as a postscript file for future reference, or sent to the printer.

Last update September 10, 2004  by  M. Roth