Fig. 3a-x :   Target Acquisition and Guiding:
PMAS A&G Camera graphical user interface. The image shows a typical acquisition frame as obtained when the telescope has slewed on-target, encompassing a 3.4 x 3.4 arcmin^2 field-of-view. Technically, it is created by observing a slightly tilted mirror in the focal plane of the telescope, whose central part contains a diaphragm to transmit the on-axis light further down towards the IFU. The IFU field-of-view is outlined by the red square in the middle of the dark diaphragm area. The square is twice as large when the 1arcsec/spaxel magnification has been selected (default: 0.5 arcsec/spaxel). The second square to the right indicates the position of a guide star which can be selected with a simple mouse click. The guide star coordinates can be saved to disk. Restoring these coordinates allows one to repeat observations in another night with sub-arcsec pointing accuracy (note however the importance of A&G camera filter selection and the effects of differential atmospheric refraction). The image can also be plotted in a reverse greyscale, stored as a postscript file for future reference, or sent to the printer. Accurate centering of the IFU is performed by selecting the desired target region with a mouse click (pulldown menu "Pointing", assisted with zoom window to the upper right) ... (STEP 1)

Last update September 10, 2004  by  M. Roth