CAFOS image of SN2005cs in M51

NOAO image of M51

CAFOS image of M51 + SN2005cs

The image of M51+SN2005cs was made by N.Cardiel combining the frames taken with CAFOS at the 2.2m telescope for the program "Detailed study of the physics of type Ia supernovae (PI W. Hillebrandt).
The RGB composition was obtained using a logarithmic scale of the exposures:

R: R band (12 seconds) + I band (20 seconds)
G: V band (15 seconds)
B: U band (120 seconds) + B band (20 seconds)
Note: Using a logarithmic scale both, the faintest outer regions and the brightest central one, are shown simultneously, while using a linear scale the center of the galaxy looks saturated (see next images)