20% disk 44% disk 60% disk 85% disk
20% disk 44% disk 60% disk 85% disk
Figure 3.

Comparison of observed (data points) and simulated (continuous lines) kinematics. Shown are results from different runs with variable disk-to-halo fraction*) for one slit position (90° black/270° red). As we decrease the importance of the disk, the velocity wiggles in the simulated rotation curves become less and less prominent. In the 85%-disk case we find velocity jumps of >30 km/s - more than we observe. The variations in the 20%-disk case already tend to be too small to successfully match with the observed data.

*) The disk fraction is defined in the following way:
vtot2 = fdisk * vdisk2 + vhalo2        where vdisk and vhalo are the rotation velocities of the components:


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