The Calar Alto Computer Department News for 2005



(A) Hardware:

-         Network cabling at the laboratory is now totally new

-         New anonymous ftp machine. It is a Linux box with 400Gb of disk space for anonymous usage. Now this is an independent and dedicated computer completely separated from the web server

-         New Windows 2003 server installed. Also, the Windows network has been improved as it is now used also for all the new administration tasks.

-         New Windows System Access Computer for accessing our Windows network from outside Calar

-         Proxy servers also moved into a Linux box. Previously, web and ftp proxies were on separated Solaris computers. Now, both proxies have been moved into a single Linux machine running SuSE. 

-         The laboratory is now covered by wireless on its high floor, from library side to SOR part.

-         A special room has been dedicated to the servers and main laboratory switches

-         The network finally reaches the bungalows. Next steps are Maintenance area and observers dormitories.

-         Together with Maintenance group, we have done some safety measures for avoiding storm damages on our router and microwave link. These jobs include physical measures together with the PreviStorm program.


 (B) Software:

-         Lots of security patches on Unix+Windows machines

-         SPF (Sender Policy Framework) has been implemented for send/receive mails. This policy is another way of fighting against spam.At the present it is not widely used, but every day, more and more institutions are installing it

-         This year, we have obtained the RACE qualification for our mail system. This includes the above mentioned SPF, together with lots of security and quality measures for allowing  good and safe mail transactions. You can read here more about our mail system

-         Together with the main DNS server, a secondary DNS was mounted at the Windows 2003 Server.

-         We have implemented the Global Dialing Scheme (GDS) for supporting this videoconference system. It was heavily used during the Deep Impact program for coordination purposes

-         Scisoft V is now running on the main Linux server

-         Back up system for the new proposal system.

-         A set of administrative programs installed on the main Windows 2003 Server.

-         We have start moving epics system into a Linux box which will serve all epics system. There is already an aplication running on this new epics machine and some data bases have already been moved into it. Its develop will be step by step during next year.

-         Several modifications on the Robodimm graphics presented on the weather page

-         The PreviStorm graphics can be seen on our main weather page.

-         The last big job of the year was the complex replacement of our old web server. The new one, a fast machin with Linux, is already working and it took all the features the old machine was dealing with, including the webmail system. We have maintained the same structure, so users normally see no differences with the old Solaris computer. 




Enrique de Juan       (+34 950 632 505)

Ricardo Hernández  (+34 950 632 533)

Daniel Benitez          (+34 950 632 531)

Enrique de Guindos  (+34 950 632 517)