Dark Current

Dependence of the small additive effects of internal illumination, charge generation and charge leakage (dark frames) with the time and with the different readout modes:

a) rrr-fmpia readout mode (February 13th, 2001)

It is clear to see, that the dark current do not vary on short time scales, only the up-right quadrant shows a small variations with the time. We can say that Omega-prime has a constant dark current level of about 10 electrons in rrr-fmpia readout mode.

b) rrr-mpia readout mode (October 12th, 2000)

We can see that in this readout mode, rrr-mpia, again the up-right quadrant shows a small variations with the other, but the most important things are that we have more electrons per seconds than in rrr-fmpia and we can see that in this readout mode the dark frames do vary very much on short time scales.

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Comments and suggestions :   Ana Guijarro